Erica Fudge 'Let’s Talk About Animals' a coffee chat

Event description

  • Academic events

Join Professor Erica Fudge for a coffee chat, “Let’s Talk About Animals” on Feb. 22 from 10:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m. at ASU's Tempe campus, Ross-Blakley Hall, RBHL 196.

This is an informal and open conversation about the history, present, and futures of animal studies. Professor Fudge has been seminal in creating and shaping the field including leading the highly influential Animal Studies Network and in her writing from the early 2000s with Perceiving Animals to her primer Animal and concern for animal biographies in Pets(2014) and Quick Cattle (2018) among other works. Fudge will be joined by members of the ASU Animal Studies Group. Please join us for questions, propositions, proposals and possibilities in thinking with animals.

Image Credit: Killer rabbits in medieval manuscripts: Breviary of Renaud de Bar, ca. 1302-1303, 8 f. 294r, British Library, London, UK. Detail.

Event contact

Jacob Leveton or Victoria Day

Wednesday, February 22, 2023


10:30 am11:30 am (MST)


IHR Conference Room (RBHL.196)

