Forced migration from a European perspective: Racialized georaphies and the (im)possibility of two-way integration

Forced migration from a European perspective: Racialized georaphies and the (im)possibility of two-way integration

Event description

The School of Politics and Global Studies is hosting Dr. Johanna Hiitola for a lecture titled “Forced migration from a European perspective: racialized georaphies and the (im)possibility of two-way integration.”

Johanna Hiitola has a PhD in gender studies from the University of Tampere, Finland. Hiitola is the director of gender studies at the University of Oulu, Finland. She is an associate professor in social and public policy (University of Eastern Finland) and social work (University of Jyväskylä, Finland). Her research includes intersectional feminist family studies, migrant integration, interpersonal violence, forced migration studies, citizenship scholarship and most recently, research on family separation of forced migrants. She has recently conducted research as part of the EU-funded project ‘Social Empowerment in Rural Areas’ (2015–2018) and the Academy of Finland funded project ‘Family Separation, Migration Status and Everyday Security: Experiences and Strategies of Vulnerable Migrants’ (2018 ̶ 2022) and in the Academy of Finland Strategic Research Council (SRC) funded project ‘Mobile Futures’ (2021–2027). She is the first editor of the collection Family Life in Transition. Borders, Transnational Mobility and Welfare Society in Nordic Countries (Routledge 2020) and an editor of Forced Migration and Separated Families (IMISCOE, publishing date 31 March 2023). She has published in a variety of journals, including the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Population, Space and Place, Qualitative Social Work, Social Inclusion and Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture, Nordic Journal of Migration Research.

Additional information

Event contact

Kayla Stamey

Tuesday, March 21, 2023


12:00 pm1:00 pm (MST)


COOR 6761 and virtually on Zoom

