MCB Seminar: Mosquito microbiome: Another wrinkle in the insecticide resistance conundrum and untapped potential for surveillance

Event description

  • Academic events

Dr. Nsa Dada's research efforts are concentrated on the evolution of microbe-mediated phenotypic variations in multicellular organisms as a function of biotic and abiotic factors. She currently leads a research program that is aimed at understanding how microbes (both host and environmentally-derived) shape the evolution of insecticide resistance in mosquitoes. To do so, she uses a combination of molecular, 'omics and classical (micro)biology tools, as well as bioinformatics, to explore this in wild mosquito populations and/or their progeny in laboratory settings. She also founded and lead the Mosquito Microbiome Consortium, a collaborative initiative for advancing mosquito microbiome research, particularly from laboratory to field applications. Dr. Dada is highly involved in other initiatives (for example G-AVENIR) that are focused on expanding disease vector genomics research in Africa–in particular and is working towards establishing sustainable bioinformatics resources and capacity on the continent.

Additional information

Event contact

Nsa Dada

Friday, April 19, 2024


3:00 pm4:00 pm (MST)

