Public Funding, Patents and Technology Transfer: Learning from the Contrasting Oxford and Texas Models of COVID-19 Vaccine Production and Distribution

Event description

  • Free
  • Open to the public
  • Science

The COVID-19 pandemic spurred substantial debate over how to rapidly develop new vaccines, produce billions of doses, and distribute them globally. Central to these debates are the roles of intellectual property, technology transfer, and public funding.

Join CSPO for a seminar where Ken Shadlen will explore these issues, drawing on the global production experiences of two publicly-funded vaccines developed in university labs: one from the University of Oxford in the UK, and the other from Baylor College of Medicine in the US. The presentation will examine how the innovation ecosystem functioned during the COVID-19 pandemic and offer insights for policymakers preparing for future pandemics and other global challenges.

Event contact

Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes

Monday, April 29, 2024


6:00 am7:00 am (MST)


ASU Barrett & O'Connor Washington Center

