Reverse Career Fair

Event description
- Professional and career development
Calling all student organizations and clubs at ASU!
This is your chance to shine at the Reverse Career Fair.
Join us and showcase your unique cultural, academic and professional backgrounds to connect with companies seeking student engagement.
As a representative, come prepared to promote your club or organization, share insights on how companies can collaborate with you throughout the year, and highlight your academic and professional goals. This is an excellent opportunity to network and make valuable connections.
Make sure to bring materials such as flyers, brochures, and any giveaways that represent your club or organization. Be ready to share your passion and enthusiasm with the attending employers who are eager to learn about your student-led initiatives.
In addition to this tabling opportunity, participating clubs and organizations will also get the opportunity for early entry into the Spring 2024 Career and Internship Fair starting at 12:30 p.m. in the Memorial Union!