Time and Change: Art on Paper Class Exhibition

Event description

  • Arts and entertainment
  • Campus life
  • Free

"Time and Change" is an exciting new art exhibition dealing with creative cartography. Inspired by maps withdrawn from the ASU Library, students in the Art on Paper course, ASU School of Art, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts have created an art exhibition focused on Time and Change. This marks the 10th anniversary of the Creative Cartography Student Exhibitions. Each fall students have collaborated with the ASU Library's Map and Geospatial Hub to explore maps, and connections between art, science and related disciplines, while repurposing maps and paper as sustainable resources for art-making. The exhibition includes both two-dimensional and three-dimensional original works of art on topographic and geological maps. A virtual online version of the exhibition is available under the Creative Cartography ASU Library Guide.

The exhibition is open Nov. 11 until Nov. 27, 2023 at Noble Library on the Tempe campus. Check library hours and plan your visit.

Event contact

Stephen Arougheti, ASU Library

Monday, November 20, 2023


12:00 am11:59 pm (MST)


Noble Library

