'Two Models of Patriotism: Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King Jr.' with Lucas Morel

Event description

  • Inclusion
  • Open to the public

"Two Models of Patriotism: Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King, Jr." will contrast the civil rights activism of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Frederick Douglass. Both saw themselves as American patriots: King described his dream as "deeply rooted in the America dream," while Douglass thought the American founders "seized upon eternal principles." Both saw a strong federal government as necessary for progress in civil rights for black Americans. However, whereas Douglass always preached the development of personal character as the most important element of securing freedom, King came to believe that color bigotry posed such an obstacle for black Americans that he emphasized federal assistance over character development as the main priority for the latter phase of the modern Civil Rights Movement. This lecture will contrast each man's political thought, highlighting important agreements between them, as well as disagreements, drawing lessons for 21st-century America. 

Event contact


Wednesday, January 17, 2024


5:00 pm7:00 pm (MST)


Old Main, Carson Ballroom

