Will AI transform how we learn in the future?

Event description

  • Free
  • Open to the public
  • Science
  • Sustainability

Could advances in generative AI transform how we learn the extent that universities and colleges as we know them become a thing of the past?

Join us for a live streamed conversation between Dr. Sean Leahy, Aleksandr Bogatirev, Sophia Herman and host Professor Andrew Maynard, as we explore how generative AI might transform learning in the future.

Hosted by the The Future of Being Human initiative. This event will be live streamed. Please register to obtain the link to the live stream feed.

Andrew Maynard

Andrew is a scientist, author, Professor of Advanced Technology Transitions and founder of Arizona State University’s Future of Being Human community. He studies the future and how our actions influence it.


Sean Leahy

Dr. Sean M. Leahy is Director of Creative and Emerging Technologies at Arizona State University. He is an internationally recognized technologist, futurist and educator, innovating humanistic approaches to emerging technology in higher education. As the founding director of IgnitED Labs and the force behind the Learning Futures podcast, his scholarship in the Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies has been globally recognized, influencing curriculum across diverse disciplines.

IgnitED LabsLearning Futures Podcast

Aleksandr Bogatirev

Aleksandr Bogatirev is a student at Arizona State University and a futurist who advocates for an alternative future for humanity. He has a particular interest in Solarpunk Futurism. Aleksandr consistently contemplates the future and how we can make it a better place. He promotes creative thinking and imagination, which he believes can guide us toward a more optimistic and brighter future.

Sophia Herman

Sophia Herman is in her third year at Arizona State University and is currently majoring in English Rhetoric and Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership with a minor in Philosophy. She has previously interned in Washington D.C. as a Government and Legislative Affairs intern with the Navajo Nation Washington DC Office and worked as a Writing Tutor for maximum security and other inmates within the Department of Corrections in New Mexico. On graduating she intends to study for a Masters or Doctorate with a focus on bridging the gap between various fields of study to better understand how to address social issues affecting diverse communities.

About The Future of Being Human … Unplugged

The Future of Being Human … Unplugged is a series of live streamed conversations that bring together experts and thinkers from very different backgrounds as they explore some of the more intriguing, complex and profound implications of rapidly developing technological capabilities.

Unscripted, unpredictable and threaded through with mischievously curiosity, Unplugged aims to push the bounds of how we think about the intersection between advanced technologies, cutting edge science and the very essence of what it might mean to be human in the future.

And the “Unplugged” bit? We’re unplugging from the usual norms and expectations that so often make online discussions deadly tedious, so no interminable PowerPoint presentations, no long winded opening statements and no impenetrable monologues – just compelling conversation that’ll make you think.

We’re also unplugging from conventional ideas and often-stifling disciplinary constraints as we explore futures that are anything but conventional.

In other words, expect conversations that engage, entertain and shake up your world as we explore what it might mean to be human in a technologically complex future!

Event contact

Andrew Maynard

Thursday, September 28, 2023


3:00 pm4:00 pm (MST)



