Join the Labriola National American Indian Data Center in partnership with ASU Kerr, for our first event of 2024! On Friday, Feb. 2, 2024, Delbert Anderson, a Diné trumpet player and composer from the Indigenous Jazz band D’Dat, will be performing a small intimate set in our new space. Anderson utilizes Diné melodies to converse with various styles of music. His compositions are guided by Diné principles of Hózhó and K'é or kinship.

Stop by Hayden Library for a Valentine's Day crafting afternoon! Take a step back from your studies, relieve some stress and enjoy a relaxing couple hours of creativity.
Make valentines for friends, family and partners. All materials will be provided, so just bring your imagination!
Come find us at Hayden Library on the third floor across from Makerspace in room 317. The event will run from noon - 4 p.m. on Valentine's Day, Wednesday, Feb. 14.

Assyrians from Persia (Iran) to the United States, 1887-1923: Assyrian Education, American Missionaries and the Search for a Home

Assyrians are the last Aramaic-speaking group indigenous to a homeland between Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Iran. Their communities were transformed by missionary education beginning in the 19th century; but documenting this history through Assyrian voices has proven elusive in the wake of their genocide and displacement during World War I. 

Have you ever wondered about a plant or animal that you passed by while walking on a trail in the valley? Join ASU Library's Naturespace at Hayden Library in a discussion about what lives in the Sonoran Desert and why the Sonoran is one of the most diverse deserts in the world. We will learn about plants, reptiles and critters that you might see on the trails in the Valley of the Sun.

You may know how a typical butterfly wing looks, but would you recognize it magnified by 100 times its normal size? Drop in to ASU Library's Naturepace 311E on the third floor of Hayden Library for a fun microscope guessing game to find out! View specimens through the microscope and test your knowledge of the microscopic level. Microscopic structures can tell us much about how organisms interact with their environments. You’ll be amazed by nature’s hidden structures!

Do you like birds? Do you wonder what kind of birds are on ASU Tempe Campus? Join ASU Library's Naturespace on a birdwatching tour around the Tempe campus, where we can view the different birds that live there. After seeking out birds on campus, we will head to Naturespace and discuss our findings. Meet us up in Hayden Library's Naturespace 311E before we head out to explore. Bring your binoculars, a pair of sturdy walking shoes and go birding with us.

You're invited to visit the "Nature Imagined" exhibit at Noble Library on the Tempe campus. On display from Jan. 4 until March 10, this exhibit is open for ASU students, faculty and staff as well as visitors. Check library hours for exact times.

It’s been over 50 years since the era of mass incarceration started in the United States. Over the past decade, and especially in the pandemic, California has made major changes in its criminal justice system to reduce its prison population and sentences. But it has been slower to develop and invest in new systems to support Californians as they transition out of jail or prison into workplaces. What are the best ideas and models for finding good jobs for the formerly incarcerated?

In this open lab, Digital Humanities Analyst Namig Abbasov, will begin by taking an intuitive approach to understand the principles underlying supervised machine learning.

We will then draw parallels between supervised machine learning and predictive modeling. Following that, we will explore various supervised learning algorithms designed for solving classification problems and review metrics for these classification techniques.

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