Patricia Clark: Random Moments-IrrePLACEable Space

photo of flower with words Random Moments

IAP faculty Patricia Clark's installation "Random Moments: IrrePLACEable Space" is an exhibition and a story of discovery and rediscovery told through photography, composite imagery, text, sound and video. It is a body of work that presents on a larger scale the overlooked, the extremely small, the barely glimpsed and fragile elements of life, of nature: curious bits of perfection often missed as one runs from point to point, with many that may not continue to exist as weather extremes of global warming begin to take effect upon the planet in both subtle and violent manners. The exhibit is open October 25–November 11, Mondays–Thursdays from 11:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.

Jeffery Kennedy
School of Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies
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ArtSpace West Gallery - UCB