
SKDay 2020 ASU West campus

Open to all students in 8th – 12th grade

Keynote address: 

 "How I use math to build mental health apps" 

Prof. Amy Cochran, University of Wisconsin-Madison

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Amy Cochran received her PhD in Applied Math from Cornell University. Her main interest is Computational Psychiatry, an emerging field that aims to place subjective beliefs and behavior within a mathematical framework. Her current work proposes and verifies computational phenotypes of mood and anxiety disorders. Her professional goal is to demonstrate that these phenotypes more closely reflect underlying pathological processes, thereby strengthening subsequent inferences from clinical and biological studies. As an applied mathematician working in Psychiatry, collaborative science central aspect of her research.

This Sonia Kovalevsky Day is an opportunity to engage Middle School and High School students in a day of networking, mentoring and fun! Students participate in interesting math activities, hear an exciting keynote about using Mathematics to design mobile apps that treat and study mental health, and listen to women mathematicians' experiences.

Important things to know:

  • Event is virtual and free
  • Event will be broadcast on Zoom
  • Event is monitored and run by ASU staff, faculty and students
  • Registration will close once all spots are full

STEAM ends with M for mathematics, a foundation of critical thinking and learning for every student. Sonia Kovalevsky, a pioneer for women in Mathematics, a strong advocate of women rights , and the first woman to receive a PhD in Math  (,  gives us ample reason to celebrate women in Mathematics.  

This year SK Day is virtual!

Are you back in person to school? 

Register your whole class – take your field trip in your classroom together. Do breakouts as a class.

Are you remote, homeschool, unschool or hybrid?

Register and join the field trip on your computer!


8:30 am – 9:00am                                  Check in (Virtually on zoom)

9:00 - 9:05 am                                       Welcome

9:05 - 9:45 am                                       Keynote: "How I use math to build mental health apps" 

                                                               Prof. Amy Cochran, University of Wisconsin-Madison

9:45-9:50 am                                         Introduction to break out rooms

9:51-9:56 am                                        Move to breakout rooms

9:57 - 10:20 am                                    Hands on Session in Breakout rooms *

10:20 - 10:30 am                                  Break

10:30 – 10:33 am                                Move to breakout rooms

10:33 - 11:05 am                                 Hands on Session in Breakout rooms *

11:06 - 11:50 am                                 Career Panel

Amy Cochran: Professor Math, Population Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison

                                                               Danielle Toupo Delima: Data Scientist at Intel

                                                               Misty Drake: Teacher at Copper Canyon High School

11:50 am   - 12:05pm                        Closing - Main room

Carolyn Starr