Set in the late 1980s, this film follows the true story of Cassandro, the “exotico” character created by Saul Armendariz, gay amateur wrestler from El Paso who rose to international stardom. Known as “the Liberace of Lucha Libre,” he upends not only the macho wrestling world, but also his own life. This film is part of the West Valley Film Series and also the West Valley campus Hispanic Heritage Month celebration.

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at ASU is a community of individuals, 50 or better, who are continuing their pursuit of knowledge as engaged lifelong learners. We welcome members from all walks of life whether you are retired or still working. As part of Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions, we work together to build more vibrant, healthy, and equitable communities. We provide educational, social, travel and volunteer experiences for mature adults to enhance and enrich their lives. 

Discover everything ASU Library has to offer the Sun Devil community! 

Explore engaging activities, valuable resources and fun giveaways designed to support your academic journey and enhance your ASU experience. Whether you're looking to sharpen your research skills, find new study tools or enjoy a creative break, Library Day offers something for everyone. Bring a friend and discover resources to help you succeed this year! 

Stop by the Barrett Suite to grab a donut from Bosa, get an events calendar, take a first-day photo to send home, and meet your Barrett West Valley student leaders. 

First Year students are invited to meet the Barrett West Valley Mentors, get Barrett Bucks, tour the Suite, and enjoy food. 

A tradition at Arizona State University’s West Valley campus that dates back to 1991, reaching middle school students, members of the ASU community and the public to celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. and to understand the history-changing 1963 March on Washington. This in-person event will include educational presentations about the history of the civil rights movement, a musical program and an inspirational rendition of the “I Have a Dream” speech. 

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