In our current world, the drive for technological advancement and sustainability often overlooks deeply rooted human values. Despite promises of enhancing our lives, technology may weaken our human connections and experiences. As an artist, I foresee a future where traditional sources of joy and community are threatened by our relentless pursuit of a technology-driven utopia. My childhood memories of our well-maintained environments and strong ties within the Ghanaian communities have inspired me to pursue a call for balance in this direction.

In our current world, the drive for technological advancement and sustainability often overlooks deeply rooted human values. Despite promises of enhancing our lives, technology may weaken our human connections and experiences. As an artist, I foresee a future where traditional sources of joy and community are threatened by our relentless pursuit of a technology-driven utopia. My childhood memories of our well-maintained environments and strong ties within the Ghanaian communities have inspired me to pursue a call for balance in this direction.

Join us for a celebration of new theatre works! The ASU Theatre Fringe Festival presents performances of original plays as works in progress. All events are free and open to the public. No tickets are required. Performances will be held in Nelson Fine Arts Center (FAC) Room 133.

Join us for a celebration of new theatre works! The ASU Theatre Fringe Festival presents performances of original plays as works in progress. All events are free and open to the public. No tickets are required. Performances will be held in Nelson Fine Arts Center (FAC) Room 133.

Join us for a celebration of new theatre works! The ASU Theatre Fringe Festival presents performances of original plays as works in progress. All events are free and open to the public. No tickets are required. Performances will be held in Nelson Fine Arts Center (FAC) Room 133.

Details on "And So It Is:"

"And So It Is" is a play that centers around coming to the realization that what was once thought to be love was actually sexual assault perpetrated by a young teenage boy's crush.

Join us for a celebration of new theatre works! The ASU Theatre Fringe Festival presents performances of original plays as works in progress. All events are free and open to the public. No tickets are required. Performances will be held in Nelson Fine Arts Center (FAC) Room 133.

Water is essential for life and producing food, energy, minerals, and industrial goods. As planetary populations grow and a changing climate triggers floods, droughts, and other environmental extremes, access to clean water sources becomes increasingly competitive. Inadequate infrastructures, poor resource allocation, and outdated ecological restoration principles compound an already prescient problem. 

Join Associate Professor Farhan Karim as he talks about a world and era characterized by the climate crisis, escalating wealth disparity, and growing intolerance, how can a student of architecture anticipate and shape the trajectory of their future practice?

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