About this event:

Want to jump start your current writing project? Looking for dedicated writing time in a supportive and collegial environment? Interested in picking up new habits to make your writing more productive and less daunting? Join a special 5-week writing studio for faculty and graduate students.

REDCap is a secure web application for building and managing online databases with robust survey capabilities. The Research Technology Office hosts open office hours to answer general questions of new and existing users, troubleshoot any issues with the system, offer general guidance on existing functions, and highlight new and upcoming features. 

FEVAR is a special interest group that brings together students and faculty with a common interest in the potential for enhancing education and training through Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (commonly called XR). The group connects participants with new opportunities, shares knowledge, and serves to create transdisciplinary partnerships in research.

Over the course of his presidency, Donald Trump intimidated, silenced, and bent to his will Justice Department and FBI officials, from Attorneys General Jeff Sessions and William Barr to career public servants. He sowed public doubt in both agencies so successfully that when he tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election, he paid little political cost and, despite an unprecedented array of criminal indictments, easily won the Republican nomination for the 2024 presidential election.

Moderated by Rebecca Gale, Staff Writer, Better Life Lab at New America

Child care work is physically demanding, often unstable, low-paying—and vitally important, which is why labor shortages and high turnover have become a nationwide problem. In California, child care workers earn $18 per hour on average (less than the minimum wage for fast food workers) and most can't afford quality care for their own children.

KE Analytics hosts open office hours to help answer questions from ASU faculty and staff about Tableau, existing reports, slick sheets, monthly reports, sponsored projects pivot tables, and so much more.

  • Feel free to email questions ahead of time so that specific training can be prepared before office hours.
  • Simply dropping by and asking questions is also an option.


Technology has colonized nearly every public and private space, and most of us spend more time staring at screens than at our fellow human beings. How has this changed us? What crucial human experiences have we undermined in our pursuit of lives of greater convenience and efficiency? What important human skills have deteriorated as we outsource more of our decision-making to technology?

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